Sunday 15 February 2009

A little time to think things over..

It's been a tad quiet around here because I haven't had much inspiration to draw and paint. To be honest, i've been ignoring this blog for a while. But for an extremely good reason!I thought I should fess up since I didn't want to keep hiding behind youtube videos. Anyway, I do not intend to abandon the blog and my artistic adventures. I may have forgotten a little of what its like to feel so creative and alive with ideas,in fact Ive forgotten what its like to have a fully functioning brain but it will all come back to me eventually. Just a question of time.

Note to Mr T: Thankyou for the weekend supply of yummy mushroom risotto! You'd do Jamie Oliver proud (although, your wifes approval is byfar the greatest source of satisfaction, naturally). Nothing beats good food and a whole lotta lurrrvve.

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