Sunday 9 December 2007

Harlequim seated in a cafe

An early self portrait by Pablo Picasso. When we spend so much time wearing all sorts of social masks, its a relief to sit down and have only your thoughts to keep you company. Despite never quite knowing how to leave those masks behind.


jmnk said...

"(...)I made of myself what I did not know how,
And what I could have made of myself I failed to do.
The domino costume that I wore was all wrong
And I was immediately recognized as someone I was not and I did not deny it, and was lost.
When I tried to take off the mask,
It was stuck to my face.
When I took it off and looked myself in the mirror,
I had already grown old.
I was drunk, and I no longer knew how to put on the costume that I had not taken off.
I threw the mask away and slept in the dressing room
Like a dog tolerated by the management
Because it is harmless.
And I am going to write this story to prove that I am sublime.(...)"

Tabacaria, F. Pessoa (roughly translated)

khairun said...


TY for sending this to me. I appreciate it very very much.
