Monday 12 May 2008

Strange and Surreal


Images of serene yet stern faces floated about in my mind and I wanted to draw them to see what else I could make of them. I played around with various colours and shapes, patterns and details, incorporating motifs that I enjoy using like swirls, plants and red clownlike cheeks. I enjoyed doing these, most of which were done over a weekend and in a notebook I keep by my bed. I used very cheap felt tip pens. Cant wait to do a shopping spree for some serious art materials though.
Heres what I want to get: acrylic paints, textile paint,acrylic gesso and medium,black marker pens,turpentine, chinese paint brushes,canvas roll to make my own canvases.
And here are things I want to try out: using mylar and masonite, polymer clay, shrink plastic,gocco printing...
So many things I would like to do with such little dosh and time! My weekday mornings consist of a combination of quiet frustration and boredom. The frustration part comes when I know I cant keep ignoring the mess in the kitchen from lastnights dinner, and boredom from just generally turning into a little arty hermit, painting and blogging at my dining table with the telly on in the background. I'm happy but a little restless.
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Nx said...

What's gocco printing? I'm going to google that right now. A welcome distraction from the dreaded disseration. It's 22.39pm and I'm still here. Can you believe I've spent Sunday nights in the library?

khairun said...

burning the midnight oil eh? keep at it, youre almost there!
Youll probably end up knowing more about gocco printing than I do!