Monday 12 May 2008

Wedding Update


My mums driving me crazy. Antonios driving me crazy and my hairs driving me crazy.
Antonio has decided to stop smoking. Its been two days so far. Keep it up Mr T! My advice to anyone whose partners are trying to quit: NEVER take them to a shopping centre in order to buy a gift for their neice. Youll end up with that crazy glazed look in the eyes and tension headaches. So dont go there.
Cant decide how I should do my hair for the big day. This is probably the only shot of my naturally curly hair that I like. Just the right amount of wind and sunshine. :)
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Nx said...

A classic up-do with swirly bits at the front. Dont all brides do that look? lol. The 'up' bit says elegance and constraint, the swirly loose bits say a lil' bohemian, a lil' wild grrrrrrrrr!

khairun said...

thanks for the advice! I bought my dress by the way.. a rather funky shade of fuschia!