Tuesday 29 July 2008

Heres another one of my famous blurry shots

I was disappointed with the KofC concert, and it wasnt simply down to the fact that I had a six foot man with a huge head in front of me bobbing up and down. I wouldnt have been able to see much anyway as I had forgotton to bring my glasses. Midway Erland broke a string on his guitar, there wasnt any technician on board to fix what was a catastrophic situation. If youve never heard of them before they are two Norwegian musicians with two guitars. Thats it. So there was only one guitar. And mouth trumpet courtesy of Erland. As well as a little tinkle on the piano which I couldve done better blindfolded. The lyrics to the songs are what saved me from total despair to my ears though, there were enough beautifully sung words that succeeded in taking me to some norwegian hills,where I pranced about in barefeet.
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