Friday 25 December 2009

For those who celebrate

this particular time of the year, I wish you a very merry Christmas filled with lots of happy thoughts, happy food and happy people.
I woke up this morning to a kitchen full of dirty dishes from last nights festive dinner with Antonios family. The healing powers of a dishwasher and a cup of coffee coming to the rescue! All whilst the little boy and the big boy sleep upstairs. The little boy slept through the entire shindig! Whilst the big boy did a grand job of cooking, with his brothers (grilled salted codfish with roast potatoes and turnip...)I didn't lift a finger. He got me some wonderful gifts too.I didn't get him anything. Do I deserve this man??? I hope so.

I had some terrible news a couple of days ago. My dear grandmother passed away. Ten years without seeing her. I very much regret that.
Stay close to the ones you love. Hug them, just a little tighter. Try not to let the years roll by. No matter how many times you've felt let down, or hurt, or hard done by. Families are never perfect. Keep in touch.It's all worth it in the end.

Happy Christmas.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Just passing by to send you and your little Prince a big kiss! I'm sorry for you loss.