Wednesday 22 April 2009

God bless chocolate pancakes

A few days ago i had a conversation with a good friend of mine. After consuming a mountain of vegetable tempura, wonton soup, steamed fish followed by chocolate pancakes and icecream, we sat on our lumpy carpet from Habitat like beached whales and had the kind of chat i have been craving for. I am happy to announce that my brain is still in fully functioning order. Still feels like marmite mush up there, but the marmite mush delivered. I can think! Even after eating, since i'm usually numb from the head down after a meal like that.
I told her about all the annoying 'advice' I keep getting when I haven't asked for it, the tutt-tutting when I eat a slice of chocolate cake and comments like 'Are you sure you should be eating-doing-lifting-drinking-BREATHING that? She listened and understood where I was coming from! Hoorah for friends who have no kids! The most underrated, underestimated species of people ever. I've had too many 'well-intended' comments, advice, looks, stares, mutters from mothers of young children in particular, that I was starting to feel really inadequate. So it was lovely to have a friend who simply listened, gave me her own insights into motherhood without being condescending at all. Best of all, she let me eat chocolate pancake without the slightest hint of a tutt.
To all the mothers out there dishing out advice to mothers to be, particularly first timers like me, go easy on us! Give the advice by all means, but only when its asked for and only when you can clearly see it needs to be given (like if you see a woman 6 months pregnant and scuba diving or something) Share your stories without judgement, and support her unconditionally. Trust that she can do it, just as you did, and even if you didn't, trust her anyway. Don't assume she will go through what you did. If there is anything that fills me with more confidence, it's the feeling that I am being left to do it as best as I see fit. People need to respect that. I have the closest of friends, my family supporting me. If I need help, they'll be my first port of call. Along with the internet too. When I can't sleep. But people I barely know? Mind your own business!

End of rant. Now it's time for a song.
Mr T hated this but I loved it. A lullaby for adults and children alike. Don't listen to this whilst driving.


cláudia said...

hi!I've just seen your message in have a blog too!!! and very interesting:)Congratulations! kisses

khairun said...

Thanks Claudia! I shall add you to my giveaway. Grand total of 5!