Sunday 19 April 2009

Some baby action going on here!

I felt the melon do a little jiggy this morning. Hoorahhhh!!
Woke up deliciously late on this fine Sunday morning. Ate two huge buttery croissants, washed down with a lovely mug of tea. Mmmmmmmmmm
Off for a walk by the riverside with Mr T. Planning a little photoshoot so I should be back with some rather tasteful pictures of moi plus the melon.

Sorry for the recent absence again. My best friend and her gorgeous little daughter took me away from my blog whilst they came for a short visit. They left last Monday and I'm missing them already. It's one of the downsides of living abroad. Friends and family come and visit when they can, but it never seems long enough, no matter how much they might drive you mad or make untimely comments on your housekeeping skills.(cough cough)So last night, me and the T decided to hook up with Skype. The marvels of technology. I am so behind! Waddling away whilst everyone else is sprinting into the future! I saw my mum and dad on the video cam. The first time since last June! Why hadn't I thought of this before? The first thing my mum wanted to do (in true Bengali-mumsy style) was to check out the T again. I guess it was just to remind herself that I am indeed married and that out there, in the treacherous terrain known as Portugal, there was a rather handsome looking chap by my side protecting me. Just as the T was about to appear on the video I told him to suck it in. All of it. Its a little known fact that when youre pregnant, your partner is prone to mimick the physical changes in your body. Phantom pregnancy.
That's why we BOTH need to go for a walk..

Giveaway update: Once I have it printed I will show a better image of the piece. In the meantime I'm going to enter a few people who I know would love to have this piece, on behalf of them. Just to get a healthy number going!

Back soon with more pictures!

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