Monday 14 April 2008

Still here!

Not quite sure why I haven't posted anything recently...hmmm, it might just be because I haven't finished those painting I promised to reveal only at the very end. Deary me. Well, since I'm still trying to finish them I thought I would write a little bit more about myself. Everybody loves lists so lets start with that then. A list of what I hate, or at least gets me a little jumpy.
1. Mistaking my tea for turpentine. It has happened twice already, a swirl of titanium white in my mint tea. GRRRRRR
2.Abandoned furniture. But yesterday it turned out to be a good thing because we saved the most beautiful antique chest of drawers and its now sitting in our kitchen. With no knobs, but I'm sure we'll have lots of fun sorting that out. Not.
3. Being encouraged by shop assistants to buy something because it looks so 'fabulous' on me, and then going home and hating both the item of clothing and the shop assistant. And I'm really not a hateful person. Honest!
4. Cleaning my paintbrushes. It's not therapeutic or enjoyable. It's bloody annoying.
5.People who seem to find it physically impossible to smile.
6. The glaring screen of mobile phones in cinemas. It doesn't seem to occur to people to not just put the thing on silent, but keep it closed too.
7.Not waking up early enough to paint before going to work. This gets to me. It really does, because not only does it distract me from concentrating at work (I'm an English teacher by the way) but it increases the chances of getting tired with one piece. My mind starts to wander into future projects.
8. That's about as many hateful things as I can stand writing about now.

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