Mondays are my days off work. Its an odd day really, but given that I work on Saturdays, it gives me that chance to have full weekends. Mr T has to work though, as do the majority of the world which is why Mondays are synonymous with doom and gloom but for me it feels heaven sent. I have the absurd pleasure of getting up at ooh let's say nine or even tennish, cup of tea in one hand, I glance out my window to watch the bus get stuck around the corner for the umpteenth time because of some rather adventurous student parking manoeuvre, and the almost ritualistic honking of cars behind it. As the daily grind goes on around me, I get to read a whole array of blogs online most of whom are on my linklists, and treat myself to a film adaptation of Wuthering Heights courtesy of Youtube. The final scene was dubbed in Turkish which was a random shock to say the least. But nevertheless I got through it (living in a country where I can't speak the language has made me a very patient person as you can tell) Instead of the frustration of not understanding I just imagine what they
could be saying. In other words I just imagined Heathcliff declaring his undying love for me in Turkish. For all I care Ralph Fiennes could have been saying 'pants' over and over. But it's
Ralph Fiennes Giveaway reminder: Thanks for all your comments so far. For any blogger newbies, just make sure you are going to comments and not the little envelope symbol. I have already had one friend of mine getting herself a little confused there (hello Sandra!)
Shelley: Thankyou for dedicating a post to me! It means alot to me that you would go out of your way to help out. Lets hope I get a better turn out now, but even if I don't, It was still well worth the experience.
Better be heading off to work now
Have a lovely Tuesday!