Change of direction with the skin tone. I dont have a ton of experience when it comes to mixing skin tones so I just dived in and hoped for the best. I do this alot and it can either go really well or really wrong. Well, after alot of head scratching and humming, I think its going well so far. I can see a pattern in my work which pleases me alot. Not a deliberate act at all, more of a case of being drawn to a style that I enjoy doing. I will clean it up abit around the edges and add a few fancy floral details to finish it off.
Still working on my large repainting. Have to buy some more turpentine for it. I mustn't tempt myself to paint it without this, otherwise my brushes will die on me.
Lots of wedding and family stuff going on in my life right now, and with sunnier days ahead, being cooped up at home on my laptop won't be something I'll be rushing to do. So for now, blogging will be on and off.
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