who's leaving to teach in Mexico City on the 26th. She has been a great friend over the years and the biggest fan of my artwork, good and bad! If it was not for this funky lady I would never have thought about blogging or taking my artwork to the level that I want to take it to . Heres to you Nats on your fabulous adventures across the globe and your viva la vida' spirit!
Oh me gosh! A post dedicated to me. Cheers love. It's been great to see your blog and work progress, I'm always intrigued to see what you do next. I can't wait to get back to creating artwork and blogging, hina looks miserable, she's not living up to her name at all. Mexico is just the re-invigoration that I need.
Funky lady
youre welcome love. Just promise me you wont come back with a monobrow and tash ala Frida. lol
aah thanks, youre probably my one true dedicated reader but I try to imagine Im the only blogger in the universe which in some strange way comforts and forces me to get on with my work without the attraction of attention from elsewhere. Hina will get her act together when the times right!
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