New piece which I started over the weekend. Quite pleased with how it's going so far. This was originally meant to be a simple pencil drawing but the roses looked like they needed colour, as they should, so I changed my mind. I think I made the right decision.
I've gone back to reading again! It's called "Journal of Solitude" by May Sarton. The title doesn't exactly rock ones boat, but I've noticed that it has been highly recommended around the blog circuit and it made me curious.
So yesterday I got my bent copy in the post from Amazon(don't you just love it when the postman is considerate enough to push whatever sized package into your letterbox?) and got straight on to reading it. I recommend it to anyone who loves beautiful descriptions of nature, domesticity and thoughts on the creative processes of the mind. It's the kind of book that makes you want to curl up by the fire (or the radiator) and make you want to take up gardening (or at least buy some flowers from your local supermarket..)All in all, a gentle book for gentle folk.
When I draw or paint, I usually like to listen to soft mellow music; a little bit of lounge here, chillout there. But over at Youtube I came across an EXCELLENT series of inspiring talks held by an organisation called TED. They have so far had the likes of Bill Clinton, Dave Eggars, Steve Pinker and the great Al Gore give 20 minute talks on a wide variety of issues. I have been absolutely hooked.
Heres one that blew me away. I strongly encourage anyone whos reading this to watch it. It's a passionate, yet humourous talk on the subject of schools and their effect on childrens creativity.
Do schools kill creativity?
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