Here is a little something that escaped from the confines of my head. Its not pretty up there, what with all the pregnancy induced mush currently taking over. This little wizard clearly had enough, so with the help of a rope, and some ingenious sorcery, she did a runner! And aren't I thankful or what as I just couldnt handle all that hocus pocus malarky. If you are interested in giving her a home, preferably framed and sitting very nicely on a shelf or dresser somewhere which should keep her happy, then just leave a comment. I will pick a name on the 17th July which is a Friday.
Note: Just to let you know, sometimes your comment may not appear as swiftly as you and I would like, but if you stare at the picture, whisper the magic words 'what a big head you have' and then click on refresh, your comment will magically appear!
If this fails, then you can also leave your comment via email which I will happily include in the final draw.
Good luck!
I have a home with a comfy bed, scented candles, beautiful flowers in the garden, magical paintings hanging everywhere (they even whisper endless tales at night) and a huge plasma TV!!! How does that sound Miss Wizard?
Your little wizard looks extremly magical and I can see the sparkle in her eyes
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