Anyway, heres a list of what I am going to be up to. At least until the baby arrives by which point I'm pretty sure my planning euphoria will boil down to sleep deprived survival techniques.
So here it is. The big plan
1. I'm going to do this. I'm all alone at home with my sewing machine. No excuses this time. I will follow the main pattern but give it a Khairun twist.
Update: I made the doll! I. MADE. THIS. DOLL. I'm so chuffed with myself that I could do a little pregnancy dance. I could but I probably won't.
2. Try to make Flickr like me. Put up all my artwork there, the good the bad and the pants. So far, I have a measly two.
3. Take a self-styled Etsy shop business course. I've even got my own notebook for it. Here it is.
4. Keep updating my blog. Which is what I am doing now so there's one thing on the list I'm doing.
5. Make more quiche for friends because it makes them happy. Did my first one today with the help of a friend's recipe.
6. Save my garden from looking like Death Valley. And currently it is.
7. Take baths. Have massages. Finish reading this. And relax God damn it!
Back to the doll making. BYE!
I love your dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankyou :)
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