It was twelve hours of 'Operation Diaper Rash Control'.The poor fella was not in a good mood at all whatsoever. It was one of my worst days alone with him.
Makes me wonder really. There will be more episodes like these in store for me, in a future inextricably tied to parenting. How do my personal objectives factor into this lifelong commitment? I felt so guilty whilst writing yesterday evening, after getting him to sleep finally. It just didn't feel right. Am I not supposed to be sitting in a rocking chair, in a white dressing gown, by his bed with a candle in a silver candle holder, flickering in the dark, watching over him?
Sorry, got carried away with the Victorian imagery there.
I just felt I had to be by his side. It was our fault for not being more scrupulent with the diaper cream. He was suffering from our laziness. I wasn't proud of myself for making my otherwise cheerful bubba, a not so cheerful Mr Magoo. Nothing consoled him, not even when I pulled out the box of flashing colours.
Thankfully today, as I'm writing this, he has happily settled himself to sleep with a fist in his mouth.
I've written 700 words! But I won't reveal about what just yet. It's still very very early days on my novel writing attempt.
Still at work with my papier mache. I've made a wonky turquoise coloured plate. Hopefully, I'll get it done tonight.
My positive attitude is tinted by anxiety because I'll be going back to work soon. I don't know how I'll be able to keep up with the creative work. I fear that I may get a big slap in the face by the reality of this.
I guess it's all about accepting certain things. Without giving up altogether.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
btw, for the few lovely lovelies that stop by and leave a comment from time to time, I've had to start moderating my comments because of a recent onslaught of Chinese spam.
I know. It's ridiculous isn't it? There is a very tragic individual out there who goes out of their way to start a blog, just so they can spam me in another language.
Now you know why. I still like getting comments so do stop by everynow and then.
Have a lovely weekend!
Corin has spent his first two weeks of his life suffering from a cold and a couple of bouts of nappy rash. So you are not alone in the guilty mother feeling! We can only do our best and can't protect them from everything...that's what I keep telling myself anyway! x
Whoa dude. You sure know how to kick your own ass eh? You'll find a way to carve time outta the 24 hours for some creative thingy ma bobs and writing. Sending some positive vibes ~~~~~~ (illustration of + vibes
And how I miss my wally...The only way I can see him is through this wonderful blog that reminds me what an angel you are and how lucky I am to have you in my you...sunflowers
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