Monday 6 October 2008


I would have liked to have posted more photos but for some mysterious reason that my poor little brain cannot seem to unravel, my camera is not on speaking terms with me. What did I do to you Mr Camera? Perhaps your memory is too full. I might have to wait for Mr T later today to have a chat with him. I know cameras don't talk(realllly I hear you say) but when you have a blog, cameras are your friend. And when they're not, it feels like they're saying 'I don't want to be your friend anymore..neh neh neneh neh!
Let's hope tonights intervention will swiftly restore things to my version of normality.In the meantime here are some photos I happen to already have in my files, ones that perfectly sum up Autumn.

Painting giveaway update: 6 lovely people so far (not including my husband, but thankyou for the moral support darling!) One more week left!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was checking up on my chances at winning your fantastic painting when i saw this photo... i haven't seen this bridge since i was in Lisbon in 1996! i'd forgotten that's where you are! what a great city. anyhow... i'm rambling... with fingers crossed.