Sunday 26 October 2008

Current distraction from blogging: myself and this rather dashing looking bloke

The man I am well and truly married to of course! Well, ever heard of a saying that goes 'we are our own enemies'?. I've been at it again you see: starting too many projects and not completing them, and I haven't stopped there either. I like to make things that little bit more complicated in true Khairun style, by hoarding on ideas from the dreaded weekend blogging splurge. I go from crochet to applique, applique to watercolours, writing poetry to crochet again. Was that applique I just mentioned? Yes my friends, applique so I'm also looking longingly at things that I have no clue in doing whatsoever. Creative overload.
In addition to all this madness thats currently residing within the deep recesses of my brain, Mr T is also on edge as he has a huge concert coming up; The Count Basie Orchestra no less. They're performing alongside some of the best Portuguese singers for an unforgettable show next week. With the two of us like this, we're just no good to each other. I'm at it like a madwoman with my crocheting and he's got two phones plastered to his ears and a laptop that may as well be a third arm. No relaxing weekend for him the poor thing.
I just thank the heavens above that he has limitless amounts of patience. That's just what a crazy woman like me needs.

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