and as you can well imagine, I laughed when he said that and naturally he couldnt understand why. Thats just one example of a whole range of unintentional funniness from a Portuguese whose second language detectors tracked down a good ol cockney like me but forgot to activate the filthy British humour control before transporting me to Portugal and into his innocent Portuguese arms.... And now we are married!
By the way, thats the exact tart that caught his eye. Cor Blimey Govna!
I just got back yesterday after two weeks of chapatti induced euphoria. Not sure if I succeeded in looking like Aishwara Rai (I DEFINATELY did not spell her name right) but I had my day of jingly jangly sparkly heaven. It was lots of fun and Mr T worried over nothing at the end of it all, as it was his first real immersion into Bengaldom. His rugged Portuguese charm won the hardest crowd over: the old Bengali ladies!
I will post some more photos soon.In the meantime, Ive got a certain thing called 'work' to think about.
Happy to be blogging again! Cheerio for now!
1 comment:
Welcome back you old married woman you !
Congrats to the happy hubby too !
And send me an email immediately please -- two words -- or even just one will do , so I can get your address onto my address book
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