Thats what happens when you want to keep fit, and experience pleasure at the same time.
I'm giving you a little peak into my latest painting. Going well so far but Im starting to wonder how far I can take my beehived ladies. Only the future will tell.I've also been writing a couple of poems but I want to take my time with them as I don't want to make the mistake of pushing them to a hurried end. Its called 'poetic introspection'. Its also called 'cleaning out the fridge v sitting at my desk whilst things continue to smell in the fridge'. Sometimes I just have to get my priorities straight so a salmonella free fridge comes first. I have a little over a week before I head off to London for lots of pre wedding madness and dining room tantrums with my mother. It always seems to happen in the diningroom. She will fight me to the end on having pink balloons if she could. Mum..NO PINK BALLOONS. Not that shell be reading this but Im sure she can sense the anti pink balloon signals from across the Atlantic. I have a pic of the dress I will be wearing for the civil ceremony in Portugual. All I can say is this, that dress is a world apart from what I will be wearing in London. Its like comparing Dolly Parton with Condoleeza Rice. Not that I will look like either of them of course.A few more pics around the house (like as if I havent got a ton of other stuff to do). My pink orchids, my green plant that I cant remember the name of, some vintage books I saved from being dumped. They're all in Portuguese which is a pain for a lazy Brit like me.
Thats it for now. Cooking a nice chicken curry tonight. Followed by more squats.
A post about sqauts and pink baloons and a mouldy fridge. Classic Khairun! lol. Why are you so adamantly against the pink balloons? I bet mum's going to win! Can't wait for the shindig. I gotta go dress hunting or should that be sari seeking?
sari seeking! well anything jingly jangly, shiny and flammable will do lol. Honestly though, wear whatever you like, Im sure youll look fab either way.
Ive already conceded to Mum on alot of things, but I still have my integrity to think of!
btw are you bringing a guest?
I think we have the same exercise routine...I hope it proves more successful for you! Best wishes for your upcoming wedding--I hope it's a wonderful day with as few pink balloons as possible. :)
Thanks Kirsten!
I'm bringing my ladylove. We're gonna be blingin' baby! I would love to wear a sari but I don't have a clue about them. Maybe we'll head down to banglatown this weekend. Hope everthing is going to plan and I hope good ol' Brit weather holds up for you on the day.
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