to my all round wierdness. A cow growing out of a girls head (inspired by the story of a girl who is turned into one in Metamorphoses...) and another one that has yet to be hit with my wierdness stick. All of the portraits so far have different sized noses and lips, some of them have a larger set of eyes than others. But I am trying to have a similar set of facial features throughout all my portraits. Tricky to say the least. But anyway, they're not that wierd are they?
As for the big reveal of my first ever doll. I just think its enough weirdness for one post. It still needs abit of tweaking here and there.
I will try and post abit more. I am currently distracted by downloading songs onto my ipod, making packed lunches for work, doing pre-Christmas push ups in the morning, and attempting to curl my hair.
Hope youre all enjoying the mad last minute rush to buy Christmas presents for people you dont know much about. lol
tata for now (or at least for another few days)
Are you going to add colour to them? The cow one is a corker- that made me laugh out loud. I wasn't expecting that. I'm waiting in antisipation for the doll...
I just hope he/she/it doesn't resemble Chucky.
Probably not. Glad you liked the cow theme, knowing me I would have probably thrown in a few goats and a shepard too, but thankfully I resisted the urge. Theres nothing chuckyesque about the doll, more like a hybrid rodent...not sure which ones worse. lol
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