Well I haven't quite thrown them out. I've just tucked them away in a place where I can't see them.
It's my little sisters birthday today (Happy 24th Birthday!). As I'm writing this, she's probably in the throes of severe jetlag. This time yesterday she was in a little village in Bangladesh spending time with my parents and my grandmother. My dear granny has never left the village let alone the country and my parents, who are both retired, spend half the year out there and the other half at home in North London. I wish I had gone along with my sis; the last time I went there and saw my granny was a whopping 10 years ago. You know,life has a not-so-funny way of flying by with all sorts of distractions, obstacles and excuses.
So this is a much needed note to self:make more time for family! Since I have a sister in Florida; a brother in Abu Dhabi; my grandmother in Bangladesh and cousins in Canada; I have lots of beautiful places to visit and not a single dodgy hotel to whinge about
I've noticed There are things about me I haven't talked about on this blog (except my penchant for hair destroying straightening irons) and since I still haven't got my doll ready for its big reveal, why not do a list of Khairun facts? I love reading the lists of other bloggers so I'm going to join the parade.
1. I am extremely shy
2. I have a habit of saying "really?".
3. Half way through a conversation with more than one person I display my extraordinary listening skills by saying; "Sorry-what was that?".
4. I get easily distracted. By everything. As shown in 3. And as shown by making lists for no particular reason.
5. I like writing but my punctuation is lousy. I'm working on it though.
6. I have used eyeliner since I was about 14. It has got to the point where people don't recognise me if I dont use it, which is abit scary.
7. I like dangly earrings and romantic dresses.
8. I like tea. Even if the world is falling apart around me, the kettle's on.
9. I'm generally a very optimistic person but I don't like to be preachy about this.
10. I love learning. In fact knowing me, I'll probably go back to university again to do a Masters in Creative Writing, or Art, or Philosophy.....
11. I have never been clear about a suitable career path(10.)so I just follow all of them.
12. Negative people make me feel ill.
13. I don't like bitchiness. I went to a girls school, so I learnt alllll about this terrible habit that unfortunatly resides amongst us ladyfolk.
Thats it! I hope you enjoyed reading this list as much as I did in distracting myself doing it! I would love to hear about your lists too. Or just abit about you in regular normal sentences.
ciao ciao :)
I understand #10 perfectly. I'm always like 'what's next?'. If I had the money I'd stay in school forever. Why shouldn't we want to learn everything we can?
That we both have #10 in common...probably explains why we share #11 as well.
Oh, and then of course there's #5. Obviously :)
No. 13 would have been that I have been on and off the writing bandwagon for as long as I can remember. And No. 14 would have been that I'm lousy at writing. But I'm working on it. :)
I really enjoy reading your blog by the way. Punctuation doesn't appear to be getting in your way. :)
Correction: no.14 and no.15
deary me....
Just one more thing...
I love that your granny has never left her village. My own always tells me 'I'm too cowardly to go places' whenever I try to get her to visit England.
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