My baking frenzy is, as of today, officially what I would consider to be, a product of my current glucose craving. I just can't seem to think of anything else other than what I can stick in that oven. It keeps me up at night, all the possible combinations. Mint and chocolate, raspberry and chocolate, applesauce and chocolate. Today it was a classic pairing: banana and chocolate. As I'm sitting at the dining table (which these days has had the double function of an office desk, what with random plates of buttery sweetness always an arms length away..heaven and hell wrapped in one)I am writing this post and trying not to look down at the muffin crumbs all over my 'other' muffin. Yes. THAT muffin. And with my jean buttons undone theres a whole loada self raising action going on.
I'm supposed to be doing a few more responsible things like looking up clinics in London on the net (instead of looking up muffin recipes). Our little strawberry might need to undergo some tests throughout my pregnancy. There is a history of hereditary conditions of which I don't want to go into too much detail without checking with Mr T first. As much as I want to share my thoughts and fears and muffins on this blog, I still have to get the go ahead from the T every now and then. It could be nothing. Or not. Either way, I don't want to freak out those who love us very much. I just hope we can get through it. The T (that's my new name for him now..) is my man and I have to stand by him. Through thick and thin, muffins and salads, jokes and tears,we're a dynamic duo we are.
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