I don't recommend slouching like this.At all.
Nursery/room for ironing.
Granny squares for a blanket. 4 down, 1098735938 to go.
Mr Grapefruit is proudly showing himself alot more than the average 13 week old child. Most of the students got wind of the news, though there are a few who are still under the illusion that the newly acquired waddle is down to some serious fat baggage. An illusion which holds alot of truth to it.I could be 5 months the way I look right now, which embarasses me alittle, because I'm sure my scary aftermeal bloat has alot to do with the overall effect. Perhaps the grapefruit just has a HUGE head. Or a HUGE SOMETHING ELSE according to the proud father. I'd rather have the latter. Huge heads are a womans worst nightmare. Episiotomy guaranteed.
I've regained alot of my energy back which is wonderful. So much so that I'm crocheting like a granny on speed. And waddling faster. Particularly to the toilet. Alot. The joys of the second trimester is the heavy-duty peeing. Whilst Mr T takes every opportunity to disappear for a fag, I disappear for a pee. So we haven't been seeing each other much.
I got my first baby gift from my lovely coworker and friend Sandra. Completely out of the blue. I was showing them to a friend of Mr Ts and saying how they were officially the first new item for the grapefruit, to which she responded with a slight air of dismay 'Well, you know you should start thinking about buying these things Khairun'. Grrrrrrrr. Why do such comments come out like a suspicious immigration officer at airports? (with a name like Khairun Begum, I have had the LOOK,especially at Heathrow airport, so for all those with unpronouncable names, you know what I'm talking about) Little does this person know that my dear sister-in-law gave us clothes that her son has since outgrown. A whole truckload of them! We are so grateful for this, hence the lack of baby gear (because of lack of $$$). We are spongers and we are proud. At some point down the line we will get him something, but whether I do or not is no business of anybody else, particularly total strangers. If I want to wrap him up in toilet paper I will. That's my business. And the social services too....
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