I have been in a whirlwind of constant nappy changing, feeding and rocking to sleep that I don't know what planet I'm on, let alone what day it is. I have never watched so much daytime tv in my life. What's even more disturbing is that I have been watching Eastenders (a British soap incase some of you don't know) everyday, not realising that the same episode is repeated throughout the week. Let me reiterate what I've just said to you here- the SAME programme over and over again and NOT even realise it. That's sleep deprivation for you, messing with my brain. Even today, whilst I partially snapping out of this postpartum vegetation, I'm still watching repeats, not just of Eastenders but other programmes too! And what's more, i don't even mind it. Oh dear,maybe I shouldn't have confessed to that. Oh well, too late.
I should be trying to sleep, but I find the idea of sleeping during the day abit icky. Especially because it is 90 degrees in our apartment right now. Hot October weather driving me cuckoo. I want to go out with Isaac, I really really do, but the heat is not the inviting kind of sunny happiness. It is truly out of sync, in the same way that my hormones are. All I want to do, is take showers, one after the other. Nursing and all that it entails, has left me with the rather attractive scent of eau de spit-up which no amount of showering can take out. I have also been chained to the washing machine. Milk stained clothes, onesies, bedsheets, baby, mummy, soul. I am currently residing in a milk stained universe. As happy as I am to be able to exclusively breastfeed the little guy and see him thriving, it is still very hard work and I am still trying to master the art of whipping out the boob with abit more class and sophistication. Now though, I'm just 'boob-butting' my poor baby's head all the time whilst making sure I've got burp cloth, mobile phone, remote and water within hands reach.
As you can probably guess,there have been alot more to this mummy stint than I have been blessed in knowing, despite all that I have read and have been told about from other mothers. None of it has prepared me for just how hard it all is. Amidst all the conversations about how much it will change my life, how important it will be for me to sleep when the baby sleeps and to say goodbye to lie ins, none of it prepared me, for the heaviness that I would feel in my heart, because of the loneliness of it all. It doesn't help that I miss my family back in London, in Abu Dhabi and in Florida. They are everywhere but here where I could really do with their company and guidance. Back in the days when I was very much enjoying the independence and exhileration of moving out, living abroad, following my dreams despite the air of cultural animosity,I had no qualms about being so far from family and friends. In fact it actually improved my relationship with them. But now, I am the total antithesis of this independant woman. Being an independant mother is a whole different ball game, and one that i dont feel ready to play. Not in a foreign country. Not when I don't have a driving licence. Not when I can't speak the language very well. Not when I don't have my family for support. It's all abit too much responsibility for somebody who really didn't have a clue what responsibility was.
Sometimes, when I listen to a song on my ipod, or read back to pre baby blog entries, I get a little jolt of the energy and spirit of how I defined myself. It brings tears to my eyes, because as fast as it comes, it disappears back into the computer screen, into the lyrics, into the mirror, in lightening speed. The baby, and the marks that this has left me with physically and emotionally, have as of now, taken over in defining my thoughts, actions and feelings.
So that's where I am right now. Today, I got a phonecall from a friend, inviting me out to the park, in an attempt to get me out of the apartment with the baby. I am very grateful for the support that I have had from the friends I have here. I know that things will get better. Everytime I look at Isaac, I can't believe just how precious and beautiful he is, and that i am actually his mother. The love that I feel for him leaves me totally speechless. I hope that I can live up to taking care of this gift that I have been blessed with.
Oh my dear, I completely understand what you're feeling right now! In one hand you feel so blessed and fulfilled and on the other hand you feel completely alone and lost. But the only thing I can assure you, is that things will get better! So much better! You just need to wait a few months!!! One day at a time! Beijo, Sara
I just came back from the cafe. Pete was there. He's a good friend of mine. He comes from Wales and for about six years he's living where I live, Louvain, Belgium. Pete has no breasts, no baby and he had no eau de spit-up on him. So yeah, in certain ways he's quite different from you. Which is good, cause I wouldn't like Pete having breasts and I'm quite sure he feels the same way about that. Anyhow, tonight Pete told me something he never told me before. He said he was homesick. He really likes living in Louvain and he made some good friends but... 'I'm an outsider,' he said. And I told him I understood and wondered: 'Maybe it would make a difference if you had a family and children?' And now I just read your blog and right away I heard the echo of my very own words and felt like... hmmm... maybe it doesn't make that much a difference..?
Can I pop a little idea Khairun? Take out the telly! Or shoot it! Or throw it out of the window! I know it sounds a little drastic, but give it a try, cause television slurps huge amounts of energy out of your brain and your body and burps it right back into your face. And that is no good! no good!
...you will remember proudly! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isaac is... oh!...So beautiful!
PS - Speaking of late replies...thank you for your sms today!See you soon! Hugs, hugs, hugs! Your posts made me cry!!!!they were...oh!...so strong!!!!!
You are such a wonderful writer
The photo of you and Isaac is so beautiful
It screams LOVE
Oh gosh! That photo is just too adorable. I would ring you but I never know if I'm going to be bothering you or waking either of you up. You've invented a word 'boob-butting'. Brilliant! We have to get that into the dictionary. Stop watching Eatenders. When you're not too tired steal the little moments to paint or get doll-making or read. Stop fretting Khai. I know. It's easy for me to say but it's true. We may be coming out there in November.
Ring me when you have a spare minute
Besos xxx
Peeps-thanks for all the lovely comments. They really made my day (by the time I managed to read them, that is) I hate not having the time and choice on how I spend my days with Isaac. Its really tough. But I just have to see it as an adjustment rather than a loss. I cant wait to get back to the blogging and to my dolls. I miss my studio!
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