Not enough of that
and its all because of this.
Everythings abit of a blur at the moment, the life that I have recognised as being uniquely mine has come to a very loud halt. What I believe in, what I feel, what I think has absolutely no relevance to the needs of our baby. I am at his beck and call when it comes to feeding him, rocking him to sleep, changing his diapers and simply staring at him. I feel I have been brought back down to the realities of life with every step he makes to survive. He depends on me and I have never known how huge a responsibility this would be until now. The knowledge that no matter how much I feel Im not mother material, Ive still got to step up and be his mother anyway.Because that is who I am. His mother. I cant wait to feel more comfortable in this new role. I see mothers carrying their babies with so much confidence and independance, and i hope I can start feeling like this soon.
One day at a time.
Sure you will! You are as sweet and warm as a good mum should be, and that's pretty much the only thing you need to feel confident in this wonderful new role!
And just like you've said before, it's always getting better every day. Isn't that fantastic?!
Well, I have these two hands of mine, so whenever you help is needed, just ring! *kisses*
Hi Khairun!
It takes awhile to get to know your baby - and your own self with a baby, doesn't it!
Also... My sister (the one who just had her baby two weeks ago) wore her slippers right out of the apartment and into the elevator the other day. Your life being completely upside down coupled with the fact that you are totally sleep deprived make for a very hazy existence for awhile...
Anyway, it's been a couple days since your post -- maybe you've become a mom-pro over the weekend. probably ;)
Thinking of you across the world,
wow, you're one lucky lady. enjoy.
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